New shipment of adeniums – many large desert roses

This has been a busy week. AdeniumRose Company has received a shipment of adeniums (still being sorted by name).  What was supposed to be an order to 14 different types of adeniums (flower types) turned into an order with over 38 different types.  The growers in Thailand is not like American growers who you can trust to get what you ordered. Thailand adenium plant growers are not the most trust worthy bunch.

AdeniumRose Company has ordered from 4 different major growers in Thailand and they are all the same – order what you see based on images they send and hope what you get is 60% correct in the number of adenium obesum plants received and the flower types.  Anyway. expect several new varieties of flowers and some old favorites to be added to the AdeniumRose Company desert rose plant website. What is great about this order is that among the 600 plants received about 200 to 250 are larger plants with caudex circumferences of 18″ to 26″ in diameter (7″ to 10″ across).

This is were the many varieties come into play.  Instead of sending the ones ordered the growers sent a email saying that (after receiving the money) they can not send the larger adenium plants selected because they made a mistake in the adenium plants available for shipping. We only received a few of the desert rose plants ordered and then the Thailand desert rose growers selected plants random base on size and what they have in stock. Look for Adeniumrose website updates in the near future,

2 Replies to “New shipment of adeniums – many large desert roses”

    1. I’m starting to list some of them on the website on Adeniumrose company yesterday (Saturday June 8th 2013). A few of the 10″ pot size and large of the adenium plants are already gone. I will be listing more as I determine how to offer them because after final count we received 327 10″ to 12″ pot size adeniums plants of which we do not have images of the flower types for 80% of them. The adeniums are named but Thailand does not have images. Also, we received more of a few popular adeniums and a few new ones of the standard size desert rose plants.

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