New shipment of desert rose adenium plants arrived

It’s been a busy summer in the adenium and cactus nursery. We re-arrange the whole growing area and created new growing benches for the desert rose plants.  This past week we received another shipment of adenium plants form Thailand with several new adenium plant flower types.

The majority of the plants in the new shipment are the standard size ones (95%), but we did receive around 35 plants in a much larger size. All except for 12 of them required a 16″ pot due to their jumbo size caudex (several over 11″ across). These adeniums will not be offered until the flower.  The majority of the jumbo desert rose plants have several very thick branches – all multiple grafts on them.  Yes, a few are name plants we had in the past but to make sure we want to see them flowering. We will try to get the adeniums to flower early so they can be offered before Spring.

HibhobThe standard size adeniums look great for the most part. Some will require cropping in the near future to force branching.  One of the 11 new types we received is already starting to flower so it will be listed very soon – it’s a new flower type called hiphop. It looks like the image we received from Thailand (image on the left)  will be about 85% accurate on this one. The hiphob desert rose plant  has a very distinct stripe on a white petal (it’s not fully open yet). The Thailand image shows more pink on the flower petal of the desert rose plant but with the same distinct stripe. yes, it’s a triple!

16 Replies to “New shipment of desert rose adenium plants arrived”

  1. What causes a triple flowering adeniums to have brown spots on the bud before and after the opens. It had four buds and two had a spot.

  2. Hi my name is Barbara, when I bought 12 desert rose plants last year they bloomed
    with lovely colours for some time, I know that winter has only just finished but there seems to be no sign of flowers, I think they have been getting too much water and some of the stems have become soft, so I cut them away, I have some small ones on the window ledge inside and they get sun through the glass, but the others are outside and if I keep them on the side of the balcony without any cover they get the sun but there is the chance that they will get wet, and that is no good, the pots are a bit heavy for me to lift up each day and push them in and out of the sun, what should I do,
    thanking you in advance Barbara

    1. Adeniums desert rose plants do not flower year rounds. They are naturally spring/early summer bloomers. Sometimes you will get a second bloom in late summer. You may need to give them a bloom boost (10-30-20) for one month. since you say winter is over I assume you are in the southern hemisphere.

  3. I am very interested in purchasing some desert rose plants. Do you ship outside of USA and what are your terms and conditions?

  4. I bought a desert rose and all leaves fell off, so I trimmed it all back how long before new branches start showing, is there anything special I need to do after cutting limbs back. HELP first timer here!

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