Question: I should be receiving some new adeniums from you in a few days. I would like to grow them for increased caudex size and height. How do you think I should plant them in order to maximize their growth? Should I start them in a shallow bonsai pot then transition to a deeper pot once I’m happy with the caudex size?
Answer: The biggest one thing you should do is to use Bonsai pot so the roots are forced to spread out not down. Also, the pot should be size properly for the plant – no more than 1.5 to 2 inches beyond the current caudex. I did not check what part of the country you are located but we recommended re-potting once every 6 months of growing.
When you pot the adenium plant arrange the roots to grow outward. You may need to use aluminum bonsai wire to hold the plant down in your pot. Remember to check the wire once a month to make sure it not causing damage to parts of the adenium plant. Do not wire the roots of the desert rose plant. Sometimes we place rocks under the center of the plant or in-between roots to help force the adenium plants caudex to grow in a particular arrangement. Use Dyna-gro K-L-N once every three months to give the roots a boost and on the other months use Dyna-grow one watering (not when you see flower or flower buds or you tee flower may drop).
Adeniums are not usually grown for height. Yes, the desert rose plant will grow very height with extremely large caudex over it’s life time in the wild (200-300 years). We have one that we continually crop at 4..5 feet tall with a base of over 48″ round that it over 25yrs old in a 30 gallon pot. This adenium plant started as a standard size desert rose plant about 22yrs ago (NO the image to the right is not the pant – ours is not blooming now). Growing tall and growing large caudex is not something you do at one time. To force caudex growth you need to crop the desert rose plant branches to keep the growth towards the bottom of the plant. If you want to grow it tall you need to let the branches grow which takes away from growing the caudex wide/fat. We recommend growing the caudex first fat because you need to crop the branches during this process.
When you crop the desert rose branches usually 2 or more new branches will takes it place which will help the plant caudex to grow faster so you will need to re-pot more often. When you re-pot you expose more roots above the soil so the plant get taller above the soil line too.Please see other articles about cropping adeniums, growing adeniums on this blog.