Herb Tropical Plants Planting Growing Basics

Moringa tropical plants leaves    Herb, rare and exotic tropical plants received from ExoticGrower Company / AdeniumRose Company LLC where grown in a tropical southeast Florida environment. Depending upon the actual plant variety the plants were either grown under  shade house (70% sun) or out in the 100% open area in containers. SE Florida has very harsh humidity and strong sun radiation. The young plants a shade house is critical to protect them from too much sun and heat.

Check your growing environment to see if you can grow the tropical Plants, exotic or herbs in the ground or if they need containers.  Many plants offered require protection from cold weather or extreme heat. Also, check to see how much sun or shade a plants can handle.

Planting Herb and Tropical Plants

In ground Planting: Dig a hole at least 1 ft by 1 ft.  If you are planting a larger plant (larger root system) make the hole at least twice the size of the root system.  Back fill the tropical Plants 25% of the hole with good compost or even manure mixture. Check the internet for the proper soil mix for  you type of plant.

If a herb, fruit or similar plant then use a good airy rich soil or compost when your do the actual plant planting. Stay away from moss based mixes or ones that develop a top crust. Again check the proper soil type for your plant.

Container planting: Pick a pot at least twice the size of the plants root system. Clay pots   and pots with holes are better to control moisture, root breathing and heat. The roots need air to grow well and survive.

Fill the bottom and sides of the pot with the soil you plan to use. Good compost or even manure mixture works great with m most herb plants.  Then plant the tree using a good airy potting soil or more compost depending upon the type of plant. Stay away from moss based mixes if possible. We prefer Coir based mixes.


Planting Herb and tropical Plants Steps:
  1. If in ground planting water the planting holes one day before planting the small plants.
  2. Plant the plant in the late afternoon to avoid the hot sun the first day.
  3. Do not plant the root ball more than 1/2″ below the soil. The roots need to breath. Look at the plants trunk color to see the coloration difference near the soil one. Keep the area that was exposed to the air above the soil!
  4. If growing in a pot (especially a bonsai pot) then spread out the roots. Try not to damage the roots. We use chop-sticks to separate the root balls so we can gently spread them out.  If in ground loosen the roots and spread out a bit.
  5. Add a root hormone such as Dyna-Gro K-L-N to the water the first 21 days.
  6. If the plant tends to fall over then add support. Put a stick into the hole and use a twist tie to hold the plant upright. When you insert the support stick try not to damage any roots under the soil!  If in a bonsai pot wire down the plant to support it.
  7. Pack soil around the seedling base lightly.
  8. Water lightly for the first few days.
  9. After 30 days add a good fertilizer with micro nutrients such as Dyna-Gro Grow or Dyna-Gro Foliage.

Remember these are good general planting instructions.  Not all plants grow the same. If you are not sure check the internet more information on soil types and light requirements.

Moringa Plant Oleifera tree Growing tips

moringa plantMoringa plant is called the Oleifera plant,  drumstick tree, golden rain tree, horseradish tree and benziol tree. This highly drought resistant deciduous tree is grown for the leaves, oil and living fence.  In parts of the world people use the oil derived from the sees.  some places used the moringa tree for water purification.

The moringa plant tree typically grows in tropical and semi-arid areas in the ground. It makes a great container plant. Continual cropping of the branches will give you a bush verses a tree form in containers. Hardiness range is 9 to 10 and prefers not to be water logged which can cause rot.

In home gardens use the Moringa as a great living fences or bonsai plant.  Its medical uses are documented on the internet.  Please note it’s your responsibility to do your research before consuming or using any parts of plants offers.

Soil,  Water and Sun for the Moringa Plant

Use good draining soil mix with some organic material. Yes, a good potting soil with coir not moss is preferred for the moringa plant.  The moringa will handle a lot of water if you use the right soil but it does not need it. Let the soil dry between watering. No soggy soil what-so-ever.
Yes, the moringa plant loves the sun and heat.  When you first receive your plant protect it from direct sun and high winds for the first couple weeks. After two weeks give it as much sun as you like!  Long hours of sunlight or filter sunlight is best for a healthy plant.


Fertilizer for the Moringa Plant

On the Moringa Plant use a released during the rainy season. During spring/summer (wet season) we supplement the time released with Dyna-Gro Grow to give it a boost of micro-nutrients once a month.

AdeniumRose Company LLC, its staff and officers are not responsible what-so-ever for any reactions or consequences in consuming plants, plant parts or using plants offered.  expect a least of these plants in Mid winter including tall 1 gal size and large 4″ pot sizes.

Exotic Rare Plants for Spring

Plant growers always plan 6 months ahead of a season and growing Exotic Rare plants requires even longer time frame.  This week we are receiving many new exotic plants.  The final shipment of specimen size Pseudobombax and Dioscorea from Mexico.  These plants are getting tougher and tougher to obtain.

Some Exotic Plant Limited due to Permits

Special permits are required by the Mexican government to collect Dioscorea plants. Our source with the permit is retiring and several permit collectors are gone.  Therefore, the prices are climbing and availability is scarce.  The large pseudobombax specimens receiving in consist of the last available supply from different grower. He just sold his property and the new owners do not plan to grow them because they take 12 to 20 years to get specimen size.  Expect them on the AdeniumRose Epic Grower website by mid November

Collecting exotic rare plants is a costly business.  Adeniumrose Company continually search for new sources of plants.  Other exotics receiving include the following:

  • calabanus hookeri specimens
  • moringa plants
  • euphorbia knuthii specimens
  • large optunia orecia (old man)
  • pachypodium geayi and lamere
  • African ledebourei
  • and others.

2019 Rare plant and Herb Release Advisory

exotic rare Dwarf PomegranateYes, expect more adenium jumbos, arabicums and rosy plants for 2019 spring release.  Finally Adeniumrose  Company will release in spring the exotic rare seed grown red butterfly wing christia vespertilonis. These very limited supply hard to grow from seed plants. Also, the green with maroon stripes version christia obcordata are slated for early spring release. The Dwarf Pomegranate blooming – great time to get them (see image to the left).

Beside those listed above what else to expect in late winter or spring 2019?  More exotic rare herbs and other plants grown by seed. They  include Australian tea tree (hopefully the seeds germinate), bunch of curry leaf plants,  baobab plants, more varieties of pachypodium plants and others.  If you have a suggestion on any exotic rare plants please let us know.

P.S.  The hoyas plants propagation is back on line. This past year the hoya area was redesigned and just completed last month. Expect many more plants availability and varieties foe spring/early summer of 2019.

Plant Dormancy Basic Care

plant dormancy ending       Plant dormancy occurs with most succulents, cactus, tropical and other plants during winter months. In  addition, periods of drought and high temperatures will cause plant dormancy in many desert plants.  The image on the left shows a plant ibervillea lindeimeri coming out of dormancy. Notice the new vines emerging for the top of the plant.

    Plant dormancy is a period in an organism’s life cycle when growth and  development activity are temporarily stopped. The plant greatly reduces growth and defoliates – its metabolic activity slows down to conserve energy. Dormancy usually is closely related with environmental conditions such as shorter daylight, cooler weather, extreme heat and low water.

Watering During Plant Dormancy

ibervillea lindeimeri going        If you obtained a Cacti, succulent, or other plant during dormancy period please make sure you know what to do.  During dormancy plants drop their leaves (most of the time 100%) so your plant may arrive leafless.  During plant dormancy you need to reduce watering to prevent root problems and other issues.  The majority of plants, not all,  that go dormant still need to be watered  once a month.  Ibervillea lindeimeri in full growing mode – image to left.

Pruning Cropping Transplanting during Plant Dormancy


Dormancy is a great time to transplant plants into larger containers or refresh the soil.  During plant dormancy many types of plants that grow vines or canes are pruned.  Remember this is not the time to prune/crop some types of plants.

Here is a partial list of plants from AdeniumRose Company that go dormant:

  • Adeniums – DO NOT crop / trim branches during dormancy. Depot during plant dormancy carefully. If you repot dip root hormone then wait 4 weeks to water. Crop branches after the plant flowers in spring. Remember do not cut below graft lines or you will lose your hybrid flower types! If a hybrid adenium (grafted plants) then always remove branches/limbs BELOW the graft lines to force growth of the grafted limbs.  93% of all hybrid adenium plants are grafted.
  • Baobab Adansonia – Re-pot but DO NOT trim branches. New growth starts at the end of the branches.
  • Christia Vespertilonis – Re-pot but DO Not trim branches.
  • Dioscorea Elephantipes Mexicana – trim vines back and repot during dormancy. Water once every 2 months or not at all depending upon your growing environment.
  • Flamboyant Plants – Trim branches and repot during this time.
  • Ibervillea Lindheimeri – trim vines back and report during dormancy. leave 1′-2″ of the vine on the plant. Water once every 2 months or not at all depending upon your environment.
  • Jatrophia Berlindieri – trim vines back and report during dormancy. Water once every 2 months or not at all depending upon your environment.
  • Plumeria plants – Re-pot at this time. Do not trim branches now.
  • Pseudobombax – trim branches and repot.


Know Your Plants Life Cycle

ibervillea lindeimeri plant dormancy   Many plants go dormant in one growing environment while not in others.  In Southeast Florida, a tropical environment, the adenium plants slow growth and will lose some leaves but not all. The  Christia vespertilonis sometimes drops its leaves.  AdeniumRose Company LLC also know as Epic Grower LLC reduces watering to 1-2 times month instead of every week during plant dormancy.  This stresses the importance in doing your research on the plants in your garden or containers.  Image on left is a  ibervillea lindeimeri in full dormancy. Vines cut back to caudex.

Adenium Hybrid Seeds the truth – desert roses

adenium hybrid seeds seedlings about 6 month old
6 month old adenium desert rose seedlings

Adenium hybrid seeds question about adenium seeds pods and seeds of hybrid plants.  I have been growing a desert rose for a few years that I purchased at a local store in my  areas. I didn’t know anything about it when I started growing it.  I have fallen in love with the plant. It is beautiful and last year it gave me some seed pods. I now have babies growing. I have been reading and learning about the Desert Rose. I found your site and I would like to order some more plants. I love getting the seeds and growing them. I noticed on your site that you have some plants that are grafted. The 3 and 5 packs I am looking at say they are grafted on a caudex. If a plant like this produces seeds, will the seeds match the color of the grafted blooms?

Answer:  Adenium hybrid seed pods will develop on grafted plants however there is a catch but first a true story.  AdeniumRose Company would rather tell the truth than propagate half-truths. We have purchased seeds from various countries and people including on eBay (not anymore).  There are shttps://www.adeniumrose.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=1&zenid=7030c19aebd0fce911ca2d8eed113cc5everal adenium seed sellers on eBay who show hybrid rosy adeniums. They show blue adeniums, orange, totally black, and one even has a drop down menu when selecting or seedlings. We challenged one of the popular vendors by asking them if they guarantee that the seed will produce the flower indicated. The vendor reply by blocking us from buying from them.   In otherwise, they would rather deceive a buyer than tell the truth.

Adenium Hybrid Seeds and the Truth

The simple truth is that adenium hybrid seeds collected from hybrid adenium desert rose plants will produce a plant with flowers of the hybrid plant maybe 5% of the time.  If you buy seedlings its the same no matter what the seller says or shows on eBay, Amazon, esty, etc.

Presently, reliable adenium seeds and seedlings are available for NON-Rosy adeniums in the following colors: standard adenium plant flower, all white, pink, red, dark red, picochee and now Double Pink.

Why Grafted Adenium Desert Rose Plants?

People grafted adenium plants for two reasons: 1) ensure the flower type form the grafted part of the plant produces the desired result and 2)  grow fat caudexes faster by using an mature plant as the base.  Planting branches directly in soil will not produce a fat adenium.

Hybrid plants are created by pollinating two different adeniums and then waiting several years to see if it produces a new type of adenium flower.  It takes time and years to get new flower types.  Once they get a new flower type then they start the grafting process.

Ibervillea Lindheimeri – Growing Globe Berry Plants

ibervillea lindheimeri plant      The ibervillea lindheimeri grows in sandy soils, mostly in coastal oak woods in Texas/Mexico, rocky hills and other areas. It getting hard and very rare to find in the wild. Also, known as Balsam Gourd, Globeberry. It develops a large white caudex, annual vines, dormant in winter. The ibervillea lindheimeri vines have long tendrils, small yellow flowers and red berries.

It develops a fat caudex highly desired and collectible. From the top of the caudex vines grow and very small yellow flowers. The flower as not the attraction but the caudex long vines and the fruit 25..30 mm in size. The vines die back to the caudex each year right before dormancy.

Ibervillea Lindheimeri Growing

The tree is deciduous and in spring the plant flowers before it produces the leaves.  The vies are thin and very flexible so they can easily be trained along a trellis, walls, etc.

Sun and Soil: Provide plenty of light during the growing season. Use well-draining soil keeping in mind its natural desert habitat. Keep away from moss and water retaining additives.  When growing in containers it better to grow in wide shallow pots. During the first few years do not expose too much caudex beyond what it does naturally.

The Pot and Water:  Yes, if you are container growing then do water the plant often during the growing season. Remember the soil is key to making the caudex grow and prevent root rot problems. Also, we do not place the plant directly in soil. Instead we have a layer of about 1″ of non-porous rock between the plant and the soil. The roots will penetrate the rocks down to the soil.  This rot of the caudex of the plant.

The ibervillea lindheimeri plant (globe berry plant) does not like standing water what-so-ever!  In the wild they can last a few years without any water when they are a mature size such as the ones being offered by AdeniumRose Company.  During the growing season we spray them with water twice a month and they do great.

Temperatures: The plant will tolerate short periods of sub-freezing temperatures. However, we highly advise that you protect it from sub-freezing temperatures. In its native habitat, the ibervillea lindheimeri plant is a desert plant which means it handle drought conditions.

In desert areas and similar hot climates protect the based from extreme heat. We grow the globe berry plant under our plant benches protected from direct sunlight and let the vines seek out direct sunlight.  The plant will produces several long vines that do great in the sun and heat.  In the summer our Florida location the daily temperatures in the 90’s with high humility (90% plus and Daily thunderstorms).

If you have any questions please post them here for a quick reply!

Pseudobombax Shaving Bush Plant Growing

pseudobombax plant    Pseudobombax Ellipticum plant also, known as the shaving bush plant, develops a great caudiciform. Great as a bonsai plant or cactus succulent garden.  Caudiciform plant refers to a fat, swollen stem, trunk, or above exposed ground roots (caudex) of the plant. The base of the pseudobombax, if grown in a shallow pot, will get large and fat (big). These are easy to grow plants.

Pseudobombax uses include wood for carving handicrafts. The attractive flowers are used to decorate homes and churches in Central America. In Central America, a highly intoxicating drink is made from the tree – warning we assume no responsibility what-so-ever in the use or consumption of any plant or plant part offered.  Do your research on uses of any plant.

Pseudobombax Ellipticum plant Growing info

Soil, water, sun and fertilizer

It’s a tropical so it will tolerate water but not standing water. Use good draining non-crusting soil.  Plant the pseudobombax plant in full to partial sun and irrigate regularly when in leaf, especially if growing in a container. Stay away from peat moss soils or soils that have moisture retention additives.

The bombax will take full and partial sun. As with any tropical type plant, the more sun you give the pseudobombax plant faster it grows. Mature bombax will tolerate short periods of cold (sub 32 degrees F) but its best to protect it if possible.

Fertilize the plant once during growing season with a time released fertilizer. We add a little Dyna-Grow K-L-N to water once a week for 4 weeks in the spring to help the plant establish new roots.  Then we use Dyna-Gro Grow the rest of the growing season.

Pot Grown Bombax plant

When you grow in a pot give it more water during the growing season and protect from extreme heat. Give it a bit of shade in the middle of the summer if you are in the southern regions of USA.

Use a bonsai pot or one that is wider than deep to get the caudex to grow fatter. Do not over size the pot for plant or it will grow slower!  It’s better to transplant during dormancy it once a year than to put it in  an oversized pot.

Dormancy period of the Pseudobombax  plant

During dormancy, fall/winter, the bombax will lose all its leaves. Reduce watering during this period. This is the best time to transplant/re-pot your plant. In late spring, the bombax plant will produce new leaves and spectacular short lived flower once mature.  As a landscape plant it’s not grown for its flower.

Dormancy is the time to raise the root system to expose more of the interesting shape. After raising it up protect the bombax plant from direct sunlight for 1..2 weeks to give the newly exposed roots time to harden. Also,reduce watering during this time.

Baobab Tree Adansonia za madagascariensi plant

Adansonia za madagascariensi baobab tree is native to Madagascar. These are considered fat plants, caudex form plants,  due to their thick trucks and root system. The plants offered by AdeniumRose Company are 2 to 3yrs old.  The roots are awesome (we re-potted them in January 2018). AdeniumRose Company grow these from seeds in shallow pots to force the roots to get fatter instead of growing deep. Bonsai lovers get them while you can!

Baobab Tree Growing

 Baobab tree 2 to 3 yrs old        It takes 2..3ys to get this big in the right environment from seed.  Know as the Tree of Life, the African Baobab tree has beauty along with practical uses which can be researched on the web. They go dormant during the winter and start sprouting leaves and new branches in late spring.

There are 35 varieties of the Baobab tree some easier to grow than others.  The Adansonia za madagascariensi is not one of the more common ones.  All are considered rare plants.

AdeniumRose Company grow these form seeds in shallow pots to force the roots to get fatter instead of growing deep. Bonsai – Yes these are would make great bonsai trees. The roots are thick but grown in shallow pots so they will suited for bonsai pots.

Baobab Tree Soil, Sun and water

The Baobab tree grows in arid lands that get seasonal water. During the none growing season they shed all their leaves. In late spring they the leaves emerge from the tips of the branches.  Once they are 1.5 to 2yrs old they will take 100% direct sunlight and tons of water during the summer.

The soil must be fast draining and allow to dry between watering.   During the dormant season we water them once a month.  We only grow these in pots to better control their environment.  We highly recommend bringing the Baobab tree in during winter when the temperatures get below 45 degrees.

Availability of the Baobab tree

AdeniumRose Company  had their first release of these plant in Spring of 2018. The plants offered are 2.5 yrs old well seasoned to 100% sunlight.  Once these are gone it will be at least 1.5yrs before we will offer more of this size.   We started with 49 of the Madagascar Baobab tree plants and now we have less than 7 left.  They do very well in shipment.   Currently, we are cultivating more of the Adansonia za madagascariensi variety of the Baobab tree and others for future release.

First notice:  We are adding a new name to our company to better reflect offerings of more Rare exotic and strange Plants.  Yes, we will keep the AdeniumRose name but will add a DBA (“Doing business As”).  Same company – same owners!

neem tree exotic plant Azadirachta indica

neem tree plants sale
Neem tree plant growing in 1.5″ liners.

The neem tree plant, an easy to grow exotic tree, can reach a height of  49–66 ft when planted in the ground in zones 9 through 11. However, most people grow them in pots. It’s an evergreen but will lose leaves during severe drought conditions or cold weather.  Helps purify the air indoors too!

Great as a starter bonsai plant or grow for medical purposes. The branches are wide spreading which creates a crown.  Dried Neem leaves are used as a natural insect repellent and burnt in the tropical regions to keep away mosquitoes.

The neem tree provides attractive foliage as a indoor or patio. Protect it from cold. Unless you are growing as a bonsai plant put the neem tree plant in a 1..2 gallon pot for the first couple years. The plant will only grow as large as the pot allows.

Neem Tree Soil  Water and Sun

Use good draining soil mix. Do not use garden soil or potting soil with water management agents that retains water.   Yes, most cactus mixes will work.

Neem will handle a lot of water if you use the right soil but it does not need it. Let the soil dry between watering. No soggy soil what-so-ever.  Extended cool weather with temperatures below 35 F. (5 C.) will cause the tree to drop its leaves. Our advice is to bring them in due cold periods!

Yes, the neem tree likes the sun.  When you first receive your plant protect it from direct sun and high winds for the first couple weeks. After two weeks give it as much sun as you like!  Long hours of sunlight or filter sunlight is best for a healthy plant.


AdeniumRose Company uses the same time released 6-6-6 or 7-7-7 (depending upon stock) as we do for our adeniums, plumerias, hoyas and other plants. During spring/summer (wet season) we supplement the neem tree with Dyna-Gro Grow to give it a boost of micro-nutrients once a month.

Neem Tree Usage

Tons of usages and starting to be highly sought after in the USA.   Uses include the bark, fast growing wood source, oil from the seeds as natural pest control, flowers for honey bees, decorative leaves, Bonsai and much more. Do your research before using an plant parts.

The neem tree is becoming a highly desired plant for its many uses and interesting leaves.  Most clients grow these in containers and they make great bonsai forests!

Growing Dwarf Flamboyant Caesalpinina Pulcherrima plant

Dwarf flamboyant plant flower      The show stopping Dwarf Flamboyant or caesalpinina pulcherrima makes a great container plant and/or bonsai. The plant also know as dwarf Poinciana, peacock flower, Gulmohar dwarf Flamboyant or pride of Barbados grows 12-15 feet tall in the ground.  Most container grown average 5 to 6 feet (20 gallon pots) tall and 4 to 5 feet wide. The dwarf flamboyant grows as a tall bush with lower areas devoid of branches.

Here is southeast Florida they bloom just about year around. In other areas, expect spring through late summer blooming. The dwarf Poinciana tolerates pruning well so they would make great bonsai plants too. The flowers are very showy that are multi-color red, orange with some yellow very. The leaves are small fern like and resembles the Royal Poinciana or Flamboyant tree.

 Growing the Dwarf Flamboyant Plant

The Dwarf Poinciana (dwarf flamboyant) requires a tropical or near-tropical climate to grow in ground. It will handle salty and drought conditions. In the ground it loves fast draining soil and it will drop it leaves in the winter dormant period.

Prune the pant in late October or after first blooming not in spring. If you prune in spring you will lose several months of flowering. When your plants are young pick off the seed pods to force energy to plant grown not see growth.  Yes, you can reduce the number of trunks and create bonsai plants.

In rainy areas add time released fertilizer once every three months.  Fertilized with Dyna-Gro Foliage from spring through fall.

If container grown let it dry out between watering. Water to moisten the soil and make sure the soil drains well. Do not let it get soggy. When growing as a bonsai plant and using bonsai soil then make sure it does not dry out completely except during winter.  Watering: The plant is drought tolerant when mature during the winter time. In the summer, since it’s a tropical plant, it will handle lots of water.

It is not cold tolerant so during cold periods it will need to be brought indoors (dormant periods).  Yes, these are available through Adeniumrose Company LLC.  get yours now!