Plant Pre-Summer Checkup

It’s time to do your plant pre-Summer checkup before it gets too hot and harsh. In many areas of the USA plants need protection from the harsh summer weather.

Contrary to many peoples beliefs, in many areas the sun gets too strong for sun loving plants. Here in SE tropical Florida we place the adeniums desert rose plants, neem, moringa, all tropical and cactus under a shaded cloth structure. Do they require the extra shade (30% protection)? No. However, they grow better and faster when protected.

The main problem is the UV light. Most sun loving plants grow the best between 75-85 degrees. Here is get way above that (last week the heat index was 100 degrees). The humidity and extra long hours of very strong sunlight causes plant behavior change. This behavior include growth slowing down and lighter leaf color.

The Plant Pre-Summer Checkup

If you are in the south check your heat index. Do your plant pre-Summer checkup of the plants location. How many hours of light does it get? Does it tend to wilt if you skip watering a couple days? How fast does the soil dry out?

If the plant shows stress then consider moving it to a partial shade area. The best time to protect the plant is in the late afternoon. When you select a partial shade area choose one with good morning light but partially shaded afternoons.

Make sure you use a consistent time released fertilizer. Sporadic fertilization sometime does more hard than good. Be consistent.

Do not re-pot during the summer if possible. Wait until the plant goes into dormancy.

2 Replies to “Plant Pre-Summer Checkup”

  1. Sir How often do you water a Desert Rose in the Summer? I live in New Orleans,La and it is very hot & humid Bill

    1. The key is the soil. They can take a lot of water if the soil is right. Has to be very light, airy and fast draining. The soil is very important in hot humid wet areas. Let them dry out between watering.

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