I am contemplating purchasing two desert rose plants. I have a pot that is 20 inches around by 18 inches deep. I plant on planting adenium plants, both of them, in the one pot? I’m looking for the color contrast as well as the unusual form of the desert rose plant itself together. Please advise.
Thank you

Answer: Yes you can but the pot is way too deep. If you use the deep pot you will need to fill the bottom up with rocks so you only have 6″ of soil in the pot. On top of the rock place a weed blocking cloth to prevent losing the soil into the rock areas.

Also, put rocks on top of the soil to keep the perlite down. Maybe use the rocks (blue)to create a pond as shown on AdeniumRose Company site under Bonsai and miniature gardens area.
Odd number of plants are always best when making a succulent or cactus miniature garden. Arrange in levels and keep the taller plants towards the back or to the side. Adeniums plants, desert roses, make great subject trees due to their unusual shapes and you can bonsai to create very interesting mini gardens.
How to achieve a miniature adeniums plant, David
Do you mean bonsai adeniums?