AdeniumRose Company just released several of well rooted varieties of plumeria plants growing in 6″ pot sizes. The plumeria plants have thick stems/trunks and thick leathery leaves. The plumeria flowers are produced at the end of the branches in showy clusters. Plumeria plants are collected for the beauty and wonderful fragrance. Used in Hawaii as a welcome gift to visitors as a Lei – floral necklace of flowers.

The plumeria plants flowers are very fragrant and they can be easily grow in pots. Use the same type of soil you use for your succulents or use a tropical mix but give them more water than succulents during growing season. In addition, use the fertilizers you use for your adeniums. Plumeria plants are tropical but they tend to do great when you treat them like a succulents except for watering. They can handle more water, more frequently, but they still need the same loose soil type when in pots to protect from trunk rot. The roots very rarely have rot problems since its the trunk and branches that retain the water not the roots or leaves as succulents do.

All well rooted plumeria plants offered by AdeniumRose Company are growing in 6″ pots at the AdeniumRose nursery located in southeast Florida. All plants are propagated by cuttings received from a Hawaiian grower. Height varies from 16″ to 21″ tall. All plumiera plants have two or more branches not small nibs. The flower colors will vary based on nutrients, amount of sun the plant receives, watering, age of the plumeria plant and image conditions.
The two images of Drock Orange images in this article are from the same plant. The first one was taken about 30 days after planting and the 2 variation a few days ago. They both have the same coloration but the second variation of the plumeria plant flower is more intense. As the plant ages and when fertilized one a regular bases the flowers will usually get better tones.
Where can we order these plume rialto plants