Pseudobombax Shaving Bush Plant Growing

pseudobombax plant    Pseudobombax Ellipticum plant also, known as the shaving bush plant, develops a great caudiciform. Great as a bonsai plant or cactus succulent garden.  Caudiciform plant refers to a fat, swollen stem, trunk, or above exposed ground roots (caudex) of the plant. The base of the pseudobombax, if grown in a shallow pot, will get large and fat (big). These are easy to grow plants.

Pseudobombax uses include wood for carving handicrafts. The attractive flowers are used to decorate homes and churches in Central America. In Central America, a highly intoxicating drink is made from the tree – warning we assume no responsibility what-so-ever in the use or consumption of any plant or plant part offered.  Do your research on uses of any plant.

Pseudobombax Ellipticum plant Growing info

Soil, water, sun and fertilizer

It’s a tropical so it will tolerate water but not standing water. Use good draining non-crusting soil.  Plant the pseudobombax plant in full to partial sun and irrigate regularly when in leaf, especially if growing in a container. Stay away from peat moss soils or soils that have moisture retention additives.

The bombax will take full and partial sun. As with any tropical type plant, the more sun you give the pseudobombax plant faster it grows. Mature bombax will tolerate short periods of cold (sub 32 degrees F) but its best to protect it if possible.

Fertilize the plant once during growing season with a time released fertilizer. We add a little Dyna-Grow K-L-N to water once a week for 4 weeks in the spring to help the plant establish new roots.  Then we use Dyna-Gro Grow the rest of the growing season.

Pot Grown Bombax plant

When you grow in a pot give it more water during the growing season and protect from extreme heat. Give it a bit of shade in the middle of the summer if you are in the southern regions of USA.

Use a bonsai pot or one that is wider than deep to get the caudex to grow fatter. Do not over size the pot for plant or it will grow slower!  It’s better to transplant during dormancy it once a year than to put it in  an oversized pot.

Dormancy period of the Pseudobombax  plant

During dormancy, fall/winter, the bombax will lose all its leaves. Reduce watering during this period. This is the best time to transplant/re-pot your plant. In late spring, the bombax plant will produce new leaves and spectacular short lived flower once mature.  As a landscape plant it’s not grown for its flower.

Dormancy is the time to raise the root system to expose more of the interesting shape. After raising it up protect the bombax plant from direct sunlight for 1..2 weeks to give the newly exposed roots time to harden. Also,reduce watering during this time.

4 Replies to “Pseudobombax Shaving Bush Plant Growing”

  1. At last, I have identified this plant I’ve had for 7 years, but always called “my weird plant.” The person who gave it to me said it did not like to be moved at all. Scared I’d kill it if I disturbed it, I never reported it. It has lost leaves so I thought it was a draft or something I did. I love the trunk but didn’t know it could be bonsai. Its grown weird, with a long skinny stalk of leaves 2 ft. Up and recently leafed out near the base. Can I cut it above the base cluster of leaves, for a more compact shape, and if so how? Thanks so much!

  2. I first saw these crazy “shaving brush” trees in Mexico and they are magnificent full size trees. I found some cuttings for sale online from a dealer in Florida in 2004 and planted them. I now live in Idaho and though my plants have grown they have never one bloomed. That is until now!!! I discovered today buds for the first time in 17 years!! I think it is a good omen or a sign from god. I have them at my office and have changed exactly nothing. I can’t wait to see the color?

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